Do not eat or drink anything for 8 hours prior to your procedure. If you need to wet your mouth, you may take small sips of water or chew ice chips up until 2 hours prior to the procedure. Absolutely no coffee or throat drops. If you have a question about this protocol, please call our office. If you accidentally eat or drink something too close to your procedure time, you will not be able to have sedation for your procedure.
Medications normally taken should be taken at their normal times, unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Rosenfeld. These medications should only be taken with a sip of water. Antibiotic pre-medications, if applicable, should be taken at least one (1) hour prior to your scheduled appointment time. DO NOT skip your normal medications unless specifically instructed to do so. If you have any questions regarding this, please call our office and speak with Dr. Rosenfeld.
Wear short sleeve, loose-fitting shirts and comfortable bottoms. Layer clothing as needed, but please have a short sleeve shirt on, as we will have monitoring equipment attached to both arms and short sleeves will facilitate this. It is also strongly recommended that you wear a shirt that you do not mind getting dirty, as you may spit or drool after the procedure and soil the shirt. Please do not wear jewelry, as it may interfere with our monitors and need to be removed. Flat, comfortable shoes are also recommended. Please remove nail polish prior to your procedure.
A responsible adult must drive you to your procedure and plan to either stay or return in time to drive you home at the end of the procedure. We cannot release you without a driver. You should have both primary and alternate ride information available. For your safety, public transportation (taxi, city bus, etc) may not be used.
A change in your health, especially the development of upper respiratory symptoms (cough, cold, runny nose, congestion, post-nasal drip, fever) is very important for us to know. For your safety, you may be reappointed for another day. Inform the doctor of any change in health prior to your appointment. If there is any chance that you may be pregnant, please notify Dr. Rosenfeld.
The use of “street drugs” (Marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc.) is strictly forbidden for several weeks prior to the administration of sedation. The mixture of “street drugs” and anesthetic agents has been documented to result in very serious complications, including death. Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed for at least 48 hours prior to your procedure.
After returning home, all patients should rest and be carefully monitored for 24 hours. Sedation drugs make the patient SEEM as though they are acting normally. Patients may even insist that they are feeling normal. Patients should not drive a vehicle or operate equipment 24 hours after sedation. Patients should not make important decisions or sign any important documents during this period. No alcoholic beverages for 24 hours post procedure, as they may interact with the medication given to you during the procedure. Pain medication and/or antibiotics on an empty stomach can cause nausea. It is best to take all medications with food to avoid nausea. Call our office if vomiting persists for longer than four hours.